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Hey peeps just want to give you a big update on everything, I will try to make it as short as I can so it is easy to digest.

Shady Lewd Kart Update

We are working every day to finish the update and are cutting it close as bugs are out of control. Please hang tight!

Slime Girl Smoothies

New Demo should be July as we are waiting on VA's to return lines for the game.

New Game?!
Our fourth game announcement will be next month. We played the demo today and it was so good. Very different from out usual stuff so im keen to see what you think.

More Third Party Releases
More devs want in on the label of Shady Corner Games so we are working on getting them a room. Hang tight as we have more to come!

Summer Sale!
It is still on. Steam and itch have our games all on sale for dirt cheap!

Lewd Boxes
The June Lewd Boxes are being sorted now and will be out the door with the next shipment of merch. We will showcase the packages as we ship them.

Dat Game Episodes & Videos
Videos have been lacking but next month will have some new videos as Shades will be taking a small break after the Kart update so hang tight for some more!

Shades (Health)
I have been having trouble breathing. My chest hurts and I find it hard to sleep at night. I am seeing a doctor tomorrow to see what is the matter. As it is effecting my work. Will keep you all updated.

Thank you for the support here on Patreon, our discord, our merch, our games, fan art and for helping this become my job. You have expanded the Shady Corner brand so far and with another 6 months we can go further. I cannot wait to show you whats next. Just need to get the update and health issues under control.

-Shades <3


AGL games

Sounds like you guys are kicking some major game dev butt! Can't wait to see more from you guys. Best of luck with your health man and get well soon!

Anios Selindar

Take care more over my friend &lt;3 hope it's nothing major and you'll recover very quickly &lt;3