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Its been a while our apoligies as we had the flood and a lot of personal dramas but here is the big update dump for everything Shady Corner on Patreon! We want to once again thank you for all your support!

-We have finished the final drafting of our new track for SLK! Its going to be a banger of a castle so I hope you peeps are excited to try it this month!

-We announced the second part of the big update being the finishing of the cup and a NEW EVENT!

-Event Menu Touchups

-Year of the Cow Event was here! You all unlocked milk filled lewds and characters!

-Two New Tiers were added including a body pillow tier for Shady Lewd Kart so you can have your OC in the game on a waifu pillow!

-April 1st unlocks showcased a lot of new pieces that could be free on the day but a whole lot of Shady Bux every other day.

We dropped a special update for Marble Maid, adding more lewds, time trial, speedrun mode, hard mode and more! Free update on steam!

-We also added fanart to the game to say thank you for the love the game got!

(More news for the future of Marble Maid will come ;)

We launched Galactic Pickup Artist to the roster of games we have released. With a few bugs we have been working every day to fix them. Please leave a review and help support this dev!

-We have signed up our 10th developer to the label meaning more games for you! We are working extra hard to get you quality lewd games and to support only the best under Shady Corner. THIS MONTH is about to open the doors for new games. So hang tight!

We dropped a new review end of April thank you all for watching. All the other videos are now edited and ready to go so we cannot wait for you to see them. Dont forget to watch our youtube channel for more updates!

STAY TUNED PEEPS more news to come. If your not a patreon NOW is the time to be as we are diving deep this month for a big reveal load of lewds!



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