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A few announcements. First up your merch has shipped who purchased last month. So please give it up to 5 weeks before asking if it hasn't arrived.  COVID really has slowed down the postal service so I need to take extra care.  

Second. The lewd boxes for March havent left yet. The flood of my house kinda took front seat so please be patient while i work out those rewards for people in regards to them. We are working as fast as we can.  

Third. Streaming is off until further notice as the capture device I used is now busted due to the events. I cannot afford a new one and need to tough it out until I can. So no birthday stream next week nor for the next two until I can pick up some contract work or try to push on releases.  

And last. Im very busy with games and videos if you cant tell. We are gearing up for something big so I ask you give me a bit of time. If I am slow to respond or dont at all please dont take offense to it. Its me just being busy. Ive had to cut off a lot of DM's as Im finding its taking up a lot of my time and focus. I love chatting with you peeps but I need a bit more focus at least until all of the ABOVE is sorted out.  

aOh and I am working on videos. they are coming. The floods kinda slowed things down so Il keep you up to date as I work on them. Thank you so so much for the support on Shady Lewd Kart. Marble Maid. Shady Corner and our upcoming huge announcements I cannot wait to share with you...thank you.


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