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Download on steam or the front page of our patreon! This is part 1 of a big update so hang tight while we rest a few days! We have a lot to showcase with this update. Please as always drop bugs at the discord and enjoy the boring patch notes below XD

-Characters look like they are holding weapons before using them.
-cat costune change to Cat Jenna. Silvietour and Detoilve
-add new billboard
-Add coming soon on other cups that are not available for GP.
-Add hints to hats.
-Remove the bar bg for the hats.
-A button to skip the intro logos
-timer is still visible on melodys event needs to be removed.
-add ticking or beeping sound to bomb
-points didnt add up (i did go to melodys event then kumbomb event)
-name the event Year of the Cow. Description: Pass the Kumbomb to take out opponents.
-use the kumbomb with the cow ears on the menu
-With the target add the kumbbomb logo in the corner of the screen
-Located in the track asset folder is a picture of an ad for marble maid. Can you hang it up on the wall in resting bean as an easter egg.
-add tv effect to the event main menu
-add explosion sound?
-move events over to the right a bit in the menu
-add a cool effect on the menu like in that pic i sent you with the dates and such
-gray out the other events say (coming soon) on them so we have a list of previous events
-Format timer and year of cow event title into one line
-Chest reward glitch
-hints for hats

-Roasted Bean Cafe (track, time trial)

-Crested Pocket Lizard (key hidden on chair in resting bean)
 -VA Credits is SirtheSir He has deleted his socials
-158 Lizard In Love by Pix 1000
-161 Fap N Nap by Kitty by kitty 250
-162 Lizard Invades Silvies Bedroom by kitty 500
-163 Lizards Future Fragments by kitty 500
-Cutscenes Intro & Outro. Voice works and Cutscenes for store

-Crawlco Block Knockers (Kart Unlock)

-Newgrounds Tank (Climax Bar) use newgrounds logo from google

-Animated Cutscenes to shop
-Jenna Outro
-Cinnabun Outro and Climax
-Siggy Outro

-Melody Event returns permanent
-Easter Event ready to go
-”Year of the Cow” Event (Runs for 1 week)
-Kumbbomb Mode
-(Hat) Cow Horns and ears
-(Skins) UK and Shadette Cow Costume + 200 Cow Herd Image 1000 by skull
-(Skin) Camillia Cow Costume + 201 Cow Meadow Image 200 by skull
-(Skin) Camillia Protag Skin Costume + 194 Farm Fun Image wannabepyx 1000

-No Nut Talia event and animation unlock for score on uncharted wild woods. But we should make it a huuuuuge score. As its a big track maybe we go off the leaderboards. Put ameafterdark as the credits

Patch Notes for Hotfix
Fixed gallery picture 105

Crested Pocket Lizard Unlocks work now in the shop

Made alternative Terry teddy file to support hats in menu

Made Terry Teddy skin compatiblewith hats

Made Terry Teddy skin animate

Checked crash logs, seems related to RAM, will need to further optimize

Tweaked checkpoints in Resting Bean Cafe track to be taller near the goal line

Fixed Pocket Lizard VA credit image

Added Pocket Lizard bio text

Fixed Talia's animation in pitgirls menu

Fixed Talia's animation resolution in gallery

Removed debug log for buttons snapping to position in menus

Checked bomb code, it should only appear in multiplayer

Checked bomb spawn in normal mode, it does in fact not appear outside of multiplayer and the event

Updated version number



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