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  • Linked ball step sound to sound effects channel
  • Made "new image unlocked" text go away when you see a previously unseen image
  • Made so that marble maid doesn't jump with the accept button from the pause menu
  • Made so that marble maid doesn't jump with the accept button from the level select menu
  • Fixed shader issue with carpet
  • Optimized blink blocks to only make sound if they're near the player and only one at a time
  • Made dust bunnies panel take the whole screen width so no double line of icons is needed
  • Added a 1 second delay between the apparition of flames and their effect as hurt area
  • Added start fire animation to oven so the transition is clearer
  • Added a box collider to signs to prevent spider-maid bugs
  • Added box collider to single rail parts to prevent spider-maid bugs
  • Changed version number
  • Built steam version
    Built non-steam version


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