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Hey Shady Peeps and Patreon supporters,

Its been a while since Ive done one of these so why the hell not!

So the new year has kicked in and with that we started Leisure Suit Larry Month which is turning out to be my biggest month yet! Even last year I did only 2 shorts, one full episode and a top 5. This year doing two full reviews, two shorts and bringing back Dat's Play! Which I love doing as a side gig and it is nice to actually sit and play a game with you guys <3

With three more Leisure Suit Larry videos to go we are heading into a powerful month of reviews! Already we have 5 crossovers lined up, a stack of Dat's Play filmed, over 6 moments already recorded and 4 extra shorts! Including a Patreon exclusive!

Why am I getting all this ready? Well my new skedge is helping me to organize things. Il still drop things if a new game comes up but for now Ive pre recorded and written a lot of new content :)

Also with this extra time Im working on other projects and getting the Dat Game Volume 3 DVD ready for launch! So stay tuned for that including some amazing bonus content!


I have so many new surpirses in store for you guys! I cannot wait to share them with you! So hang on tight for one hell of a Dat Game year! 

Love you Peeps <3

- Shades 


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