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  • Made sandclocks give 7 seconds instead of 10
  • Updated +10 seconds effect to say +7
  • Changed time representation code to always use two characters for seconds
  • Changed time representation in results too
  • Changed max speed for starting a spindash from 0.25 to 3
  • Fixed back button from end credits
  • Fixed camera errors when boss intro and fail animations collide (boss 3-10)
  • Added world available sign if the first level of an open entrance with more than one level has zero bunnies collected
  • Fixed error when after time is up, the character rolls into a level exit by inertia
  • Made kitchen knifes have collission physics
  • Modified hurtbox of knifes to only cover the lower part
  • Added bouncepads to the not-hurting knife parts
  • Made the lower part area hurtbox only active when the knife is falling
  • Add smaller secondary area on the edge of the knife that is always active
  • Made intro and ending animations non-loopable
  • Made it impossible to pause during boss intro
  • Made scene changing always exit boss fight
  • Modified controller deadzone for camera turning
  • Changed version number
  • Added version text to main menu

    Thanks for waiting on the changes peeps! We are working with YOU to make this game a very polished Marble! So thank you for taking the time!


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