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This was drawn on October 30th 2018 by me. At this point we had 5 builds of the game made that no one had seen. We had the first build in June so I had time to flesh out my ideas I had into full sketches.  Terrys track is one of the few tracks with little changes.

The only things we took out was the giant rotating Terry head and replaced it with the mudpit. So we could have a huge hazard and to hide the key for Trashette. At this point we didnt know Trashette was going to be a thing as SNK Heroines wasnt released yet. But that changed very quickly in the following year.  

The other the hazard barrels were swapped with trashcans to feel more like Terry's pad.

The only other thing is its called the Trashdome but there is a skybox. We tried to make it showcase a ceiling but it didnt look like a dome so we decided to show it was going up into an open skylight.

Hope you have enjoyed todays behind the scenes look, I will be posting these every so often to give you all a look behind the scenes of the development. Along with behind the scenes videos of design, the original never before scene builds and more :)



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