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We are at the end of the month which means the next big hurdle is about to be crossed for Shady Lewd Kart. Make sure you patreon details are up to date so you don't miss your rewards for April, exclusives and lewd boxes!

We have had a wonderful run so far this year peeps. I want to say thank you and Im so excited for the Ovipoll Position Event coming up.

But I also want to say, for you...please take care of yourself first. It's hard not to talk about Covid. But if your struggeling to get food, help a loved one or stay safe please drop your pledge. I would never think ill will of you if you did.

We will all come out stronger on top in the end. So please think of yourself first.

As always if you do want to support us


Stay safe, stay lewd and love you peeps <3

- Shades



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