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Hey peeps been a while since Ive touched base with you regarding reviews and videos. Its been a tough year and Im so happy you have all stuck by me with it. Also with the game development as well!

Now in regards to the new review system as people msg me their games all the time and I love it! Simply love getting review copies and demos never stop sending them. But Im going to be taking into consideration the development time of the game so I have more content to write about as well as the repetitiveness of content.

My goal is to stay fresh, funny and informative. And reviewing every single titty game by one dude is a tough mission. So I must try to take more care, this being any games with a thiccer development, games that need support and not the same type of games many times in a row.

Now that doesnt mean your game will ever be covered, we still also for devs have in place a system to get your game to the front of the review line. But in order for me to focus on writing, quality and comedy as well as my other projects I want to focus on games that I think will make a good video. Not just do a video for every single game. Which does take away from me being one of the most informative but I plan to share as many lewd games Ive played as I can.

Also full episodes of Dat Game are coming back. These too take time so Ive been working hard on the format and the games I choose.

Thanks for listening peeps <3 Hope to create some amazing content moving forward!



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