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Ive been getting a few messages today regarding the drastic drop in our patreon funds. First off wanted to say we wouldnt of got this far without you peeps. Its so far been a hell of a ride to even be earning anything from what we do. To create lewd games.

Okay so the main thing is that the start of the month there IS a drop in people due to denied cards. This does happen. Also some peoples finances change. Its not something we can predict every day that passes.

What does this mean for this months goodies?
Oh they are still coming. We are gathering info together for the lewd boxes and polishing this months demo. Nothing has slowed down on these releases. In fact we are almost done with the promises made for the month of June.

We dropped back down under 1000 do we lose the fourth cup for Kart as well as full time work for the team?
The team isnt going anywhere. So you can breathe. Yeah we dropped under 1000. Which means the fourth cup is now out of our reach again. Its not in the budget and with funds at a tight grip we need to focus on what we CAN do for Kart. So when we hit that goal again we can start to discuss it.

As for going under 800 I know that the team was a bit let down but they know how patreon works. Its not an easy road. Things change. So I will be rejigging their work days to accommodate the budget again. Things may move slower again. But this isnt something we can fix over night.

Final Words
We are not going anywhere. We are still working on Shady Lewd Kart and videos. I just want to explain to everyone that is worried. I also dont want this to come off as a guit trip thing its more of an explanation for the large drop in funding. These things happen and its another road bump. We just got to push harder with updates and advertising and hope we can get the spotlight to reach back and beyond our goal we hit last month.

Im a very tired Shades. A lot has happened this year and making sure this train keeps going is one of the most challenging things ever. When your running a team its not easy. They come first. They are the engine that drives it. You patreon peeps are the fuel. Im just steering.

I hope this makes you all feel okay about everything. I know its scary. But hey lets keep going! We got a game to make. Thanks for the support!


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