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Sorry for the large ping but I need to be a bit more open about things at the moment.

I said earlier this year my dad was ill and was on the mend. Last Friday we hit a huge speed bump and he was rushed to intensive care. Since then I spend about 6 to 9 hours a day with him in the hospital getting him moving and trying to build him back up the hill. To make him the 1% of a statistic that can prove everyone wrong. So he can make it to my wedding this year.

Also along with this close family seems to want to interfere and is making it tough for me and my dad. Thus why I have been very inactive apart from an update here and there.

My goals have still not changed. Reviews has been filmed for you waiting game devs and for shady peeps more content is coming.

But at this moment my dad would do the same for me. Be there everyday cheering him on through eating and physio.

So yeah. That's about it. Life has really become odd this year. But I take every moment as it comes. Don't worry I sleep sometimes at the hospital to keep my energy up but Its only fair to you all I tell you. As you all are the reason I smile behind the shades.

Thanks peeps. Love you with all my heart. More content in the coming days. No more sad posts for a while. Just happy thoughts okay? :)



Sanguinius Kain

Hey man, I know what you are going through (I took care of my Grandpa who was basically dad to me for the last 10 years of his life as he just fell apart mentally and physically). Be there with him and make him smile and be happy, all those family members that are making it hard (delt with that shit too) will know the sting later. If ya want an ear send me a message, I been through it man.


Thank you. I will and I'm sorry you had to go through it my friend.

Sanguinius Kain

It was heart breaking at the time and still is but the stories and tears and memories I gained from it while my other family refused to see him as they wanted to rob a man in dementia or try to send him to a home.......I would never trade ANY of that.