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DOWNLOAD HERE:  https://tinyurl.com/slkpatreon10

Thank you first of all for pledging and supporting us in this venture! Shady Lewd Kart is going to rock the world with its lewd power sliding gameplay. So THANK YOU! You have made this dream come alive.

Now there is a lot missing. This first build is just so you can try the characters we have implimented. Get a flow of the controls and weapons. Tell us what you want us to tweek. There is no unlockables, story mode or voices for the cast implimented. This is a bare bones build for you to try. 

Playing Cup Mode will loop the Shady Speedway 3 times as free race will have it run once. Now in Cup Mode you are out to collect them dating items so be on the look out for some things to pick up and share with Silvie.

Above all have fun with it. This is just a sample of things to come. We are a lot further along with this project but want to get some general feedback/hype on what we are creating. Dont hesitate to message Shades or email at ross@evmproductions.com



Izzy hero

thanks shades for letting us try you'er amazing game!!!!