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Don't panic haha I'm not going anywhere I just want to rearrange things to benefit a mixture and a flow. So to break it down we are going to focus on videos giving them the quality I want which means we do lose some spaces in the calander but on average your still getting 7 videos a month. Which is still pretty thicc.

Visual novel marathon will end up like Shantae month this year. We will take a knife and spread it over the months like butter. So from now till December there will be VN reviews coming out. Just so we can get a better flow.

As for next year we will be balancing it even more to give me time to work on the sexy games I have promised you plus some extra goodies ;)

So for now things will be more mixed and then as of next year more spaced and thiccer. Also I will reveal a roster for you all to see so you know when certain videos come out! That way you have something to look forward to!

That being said, I just wanna say I love you peeps. Thank you for supporting me. Giving me the drive to get better and to entertain you. I love making you laugh. Thank you for giving me a place to do these things.



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