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Our first Flambeau build for 2018! Its been a while but we are back at the helm getting our candle waifu out the door and into your hot sticky hands! Download it from the link below. Test it. Break it. Send us your bugs, fixes and suggestions either here or on our discord. Let us know how we can make the next version better! Plus we are over half way with the level design. Once this build has been tested its all downhill from here! Thank you for waiting on this one peeps!

Download Here:   https://tinyurl.com/flambeauv21

Add-ons to Gameplay
-Added levels 11-20
-Added Toxin Boss
-Added Toxin Voice Overs
-Added requirements to unlock new floors on quest menu
-Leaf traps that launch needles
-Gameover takes you either to main menu or back to last level rather than first of the set of 10
-Level Complete Notifies You When You Unlock A New Card
-Waredrobe Bonus Levels

Future Build Add-ons
-Levels 21-30
-Boss Rush
-Levels 31-40
-Final Boss Code
-Voices For Final Boss
-Flambeaus Bedroom
-Boss Rush
-Testing Install and Save
-Beast Dictionary unlock for bosses
-Relist Lewd Cards as names
-Add explore lobby function
-Add attack arrow when bosses are stunned
-Atropine uses window features like HIDEO to change things in roulette attack
-Morph Toxin and Shadyleer together for third boss
-Add cheats
-Last world books produce ghosts until all are destroyed.
-Soul Slayer timer
-Add fan art
-Instructions for waredrobe bonus

Fixed Bugs
-Fixed some sound drop out clashes
-Fixed game frame limit
-Fixed Music Dropping Out Randomly

Bugs Still Known
-Some walls have a stick ability



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