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Hey peeps so its official we have swapped to monthly payouts on Patreon. No longer will you have to worry about it being per episode. A lot of you like the decision we have made to move into this new method and we couldn't be happier. If your still wanting to pledge $2 a month or loved giving us that extra coin for an extra episode each month you still can! Just edit your pledge now to suit how much love you want to give us <3

BUT IT GETS BETTER! Rewards have been added such as Patreon Peep tiers for Discord, all rewards have been lowered: which means you can now get a hold of our demos at the $5 tier instead of $10, and executive peep credits on videos! Check out the tiers to see what you now get and if any of the other slots interest you.

Also the layout of the page has changed to be more focused on our content as well as our transition into game development for this year which is even more content for you sexy peeps!

Again thank you for being a part of this ride. I love that you want to support me as some Shady dude who makes you laugh over ecchi games and boobs. Thank you for making this all possible.

- Shades


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