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Well its taken 8 months of interviews, digging and research but here we are. Since the last Sakura Shovelware many people came forward with their stories. The more I heard the more I wanted this story to be seen. For me this has been out of my element.

Ive been up against people that didnt want to talk to me, people who wanted to stop me and pages upon pages of evidence. Im glad for now at least its over. But the only way this can continue is if Winged Cloud see's this video.

SHARE it with anyone of the industry, reporters, forums or even threads. Anyone that can get their attention. Because its a crime that they have got away with hurting so many people over the years.

As a shady perv Im not going to let my industry be shit on by someone that doesnt have a heart. Now if you excuse me I have a few months of sleep to catch up on <3 - Shades 


Winged Cloud EXPOSED! - Dat Game Review

Lies, broken promises and a lot of burnt bridges. 8 months of research has boiled down to this video. Winged Cloud you got shit to answer. Support Us On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/datgame Gamers Paradise Song: https://spindashofficial.bandcamp.com/track/gamers-paradise Follow Us: Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NSFWGamerVids Vid.me: https://vid.me/ShadyCorner Twitter: https://twitter.com/EVMPro Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/evmproductions Discord: https://discord.gg/D4CUAY2 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/datshadesofficial Shady Corner Facebook Group: https://goo.gl/MWijTw Shady Corner Website: http://shadycorner.com/


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