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Current Public Build Downloads:
-Shady Lewd Kart (10/25/2022 Spooky Build)
-Under the Hood (2/2/2023 New Engine Build)

Patreon/Test Build Downloads:
-Shady Lewd Kart (11/5/2023 New UI Build)
-Under the Hood (25/5/2023 Final Test Build)

Sketch Pack Downloads
-Shady Lewd Kart Vol 1: Sexy Racer Sketch Pack
-Slime Girl Sketch & Animatic Pack
-Flambeau Legacy Sketch Pack

HI REZ Image Pack Downloads:
-Shady Lewd Kart Vol 1: Sexy Adventurer Pack
-Shady Lewd Kart Vol 2: Silvie & Detour Part 1

Alpha/Lost/Scrapped Game Build Downloads:
-A Social Experiment 2013 (Alpha/Concept)
-Shades Panty Fishing Frenzy 2016 (Alpha/Concept)
HD Wallpaper Packs:
-Shady Lewd Kart Wallpaper HD Pack!
-Flambeau Deluxxx Wallpaper Pack!
Welcome to the month of May! We hope you are ready because we are gearing up with the latest update of Shady Lewd Kart, Vie being added with the new date and of course updates on our other sexy titles! Lets get into it!

Shady Lewd Kart (That Wide Turn!!!)
This week Ducky has been hard at work on the final lines for Vie, the aim is to try and capture her character as close as we can get to Future Fragments.

Also with the dialouge itself we want it to be as true to the game as we can to really make it feel like she is a guest in the world. Big part of Shady Lewd Kart is staying true to her character.

While the design for Vie is being transformed into Ducky's style our team is hard at work bringing Vie to life on the track.

Sometimes we think its going to be easy adding in a new character. But with each one there is always a catch. This time its with her cape/jacket. It took a little longer than expected and proved quite a challenge in this chibi style.

We have also taken a lot of feedback on board when it has come to the track designs. One of them we wanted to work on fixing when we got the chance. The Hentai XXXpress has been getting a little overhaul.

From above its quite the turn change heading out and a slight curve change on the final turn. BUT this does solve the issues when jumping the train and also missing or hitting the tracks walls.

We will chalk this up to the fact that there is some wild metal on this train and the racers like to play a dangerous game. Hey its a game after all lol.

Recently Shades did a drawing stream, which lead to some new Detour lore being added to the world of Shady Lewd Kart. Now its cut up in highlights for youtube so check it out!

Flambeau (Final Frames for Unlocks)
The Flambeau animation unlocks have hit the end. Both Ducky and Boriko have been cooking for the original and Deluxxx versions.

 Im at a loss at how each of these have turned out. Both styles really are amazing. I know the glow up is a real HD look but even Ducky's art has come a long long way.



 We aim to get the game into the hands of testers soon once we have wrapped this up. We just have the final new cutscene for the game and thats it! Thats the game! Then we can decide on the release date!

Slime Girl Smoothies DLC (Finished the Mixing)
With the mixing animation now finished we are gearing up for testers on this one too! As Pix is very quick when it comes to making each of these unlockable images!



Shady Corner Videos (Princess Peach Showtime and Dreamcutter Physical!)
This week Terry reviewed Princess Peach Showtime as well as Peach's untold tale! It was a banger of an episode as the little dude gets quite unhinged!

 Also we announced a Physical with Dreamcutter. Normally I wouldnt talk about third party publishing here but I want to bring up the fact Shady Corner is the first to get a steelbook through this company. So your support in this games LE version is very important!

Thank you for tuning into the past week! We have hit May Hard with content. And are gearing up to give you everything we can. Marble Maid 2 will be finished this week with the golf levels so that too will also be ready to hit testers. So stay tuned, stay lewd and thank you for the support....you are all so damn amazing!



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