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Heya! Since Electronics Arts policy towards Mods has changed, and even tho we are all collective confused about do/don't early access, I'll just go ahead and not do it for August. You won't be charged automatically either. If a guru confirms that early access is banned, I'll let you know.

If you hoped I would've disappeared, HOLD YOU G*NS DOWN, I'll probably keep being active because making CC is fun for me, and... I love this dumb game & my sims  ✋🏼😂 I'll keep posting 1-2 projects per month. (It was a good method for me to avoid burnout). I will also work on remaking some old projects from 2020.

I'll post my WIPs soon,
Meanwhile, you can follow me on IG and catch a WIP now and then.
See you soon 🌼🤟🏼

ps: If you see me posting this twice, is because the new draft setting on this site confuses me... I apologize for the double emails 😬


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