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Hello! Writing this will be a little nerve-wracking for me, but I would rather do it than, in worst-case scenario, I seem inactive, you and I both know what it was.

My city (I would rather not name it or confirm it for safety issues, but you can guess easily) has been experiencing a bradyseism crisis for some time, and things have gotten significantly worse since September. I felt earthquakes of 3.9, 3.4, 4.4, and 3.6 in the past week. Experts and scientists believe that it will only get worse, as it has in the past, but these natural events are unpredictable. There are a ton of news reporters in my city, hospitals are releasing patients earlier, many people sleep in their cars at night, schools are closing early for summer break, and many people lost their homes due to safety issues (due to the 4.4 earthquake of a few days ago), and everyone is anxious.

I'm not far from the epicenter; my position is located in the 'red area' of danger, but I'm not that close; my apartment complex was built after the 1980s earthquakes, and presumably correctly according to earthquake prevention criteria (I have my doubts..). Leaving is not an option right now. Leaving your home without an arrangement is not a straightforward option. However, if further big earthquakes strike my area and my residence becomes unsafe, I will be unable to create and be active, and in that case, I will notify you (if... I'm able to).

For now, I am not going anywhere! This is only in the worst-case scenario. I am now working on June releases (you can see a sneak peek on IG!) and am quite thrilled about them.
I know this post appears hollow, yet it feels necessary to me. I'm living by the minute and enjoying my bed, and roof until... whatever might happen.

Happy and optimistic thoughts! Thank you for your support 💘


disguised chaos

stay safe! nothing is more important than your life!


It took me a while to write something because it’s for me a nerve-wracking situation too. I also live in the ‘red zone’ and I moved to my bf’s house in october when there was the first heavy earthquake and my psychologist diagnosed me some ptsd. Now, I feel better even if I’m still living with my bf, sometimes I came back to my house just to pick up something I need and nothing more. I understand you, I send you a hug and please stay safe!!💘


Oi ciao! 🎈 It's traumatic to constantly think about "what if I'm homeless tomorrow," or worse... I'm glad you moved away; staying away is the best option rn. Hopefully, I'll follow your lead if things go well :/