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December is always a tricky month for the release schedule. Who wants to be reading emails and downloading books between Christmas and New Year unless they absolutely have to? That’s why I’ve combined the Monstrous Lairs and Urban Locales releases this month.

This week is also momentous because you get the last two Monstrous Lairs to add to your GM toolbox. Behold:

  • Monstrous Lair #99: Eye Despot’s Domain
  • Monstrous Lair #100: Mind Devourer’s Domain
  • Urban Locale #21: City Gates
  • Urban Locale #22: Rubbish Dump

The End of Monstrous Lairs

We’ve got to 100 releases, and I think this is a good time to call it a day on the Monstrous Lair line.

As you can imagine, I salivate at the thought of a final hardback compilation. More importantly, though, I think we’ve done pretty much all the common monsters, and I don’t want the line to outstay its welcome. I’d rather it go out on a high. That said, if anyone can see any glaring omissions in the line, I could be talked into adding some exclusive material to the compilation. Leave a comment below.

Where’s My Stuff?

By the time you read this, everyone should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week’s books. Drop them into your browser, and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, message me, and I’ll sort it out for you.

The 2021 5e Megabundle

Our 2021 5e megabundle has a few days left on DriveThruRPG. Get a whopping 90% discount on 46 GM’s Resources designed to be compatible with 5e while you still can.

Get a 90% discount—get $199.00 worth of books for only $19.99!

More Bundles: And fear not, I have had many messages asking for both Pathfinder and OSR bundles. Both will be shortly inbound!

Thank You

As always, thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press. Your support is instrumental in keeping the lights at Global HQ, and I am tremendously grateful you are here reading this!

Finally, it should come as no surprise at all that Everything is Better with Tentacles (particularly things that already have tentacles—you can never have enough…)



You: "December is always a tricky month for the release schedule. Who wants to be reading emails and downloading books between Christmas and New Year unless they absolutely have to? " Me: RS is my Christmas gift to myself. It's really very very high on my personal interest list of something that makes this Christmas fun for me. So, I want to be reading RS books....but I know it's work for you. So, from the bottom of my heart....thank you for the past year of hard work and efforts you have made to make RS a great company to know....and...tell your wife....the RS community thanks her for her support and dedication to allowing you to work hard for us....it doesn't go un-noticed...we appreciate her support and sacrifice of your time when schedules impinge on her unfettered time with you. Thank you Mrs Broadhurst.


I'll pass on your kind words to the Wife. However, I think she is just happy I am not cluttering up the rest of the house. ;-)


And thank you very much for the kind words. I'm delighted you've found our books so useful. Thank you for supporting us on Patreon!