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This week, we release a vast herd of products! (Well, that might be a small exaggeration, but it's certainly three...) For Pathfinder GMs, we have out first GM’s Miscellany: Places of Power  compilation featuring the first twelve instalments in the line. For 5e and System Neutral Edition aficionados we have Places of Power: Tumblestone Inn   and Village Backdrop: Hard Bay in both 5e and System Neutral Edition versions. Because it is such an old product (Hard Bay first released in 2013) we are also sending out the Pathfinder version!I'd also like to welcome Kyle Scott, David Axel Hansen, Michael MeVeque, Scott E. Nash and Sean Roberts who have all joined us this week. Thank you to EVERYONE for your support. I'm busily plotting how to make our Village Backdrop and Places of Power lines better. I'm hoping to release a new template to my freelancers next week and the augmented books should start appearing over the summer!Anyway, on with the show!

Places of Power: Tumblestone Inn

Built atop the ruin of a fallen borderland keep, Tumblestone Inn stands amid the wilderlands, far from civilisation’s comforts. Within its stout walls can be found warmth, good cheer and a hearty welcome; without lies little but howling wilderness, marauding orcs and other lurking dangers.

Village Backdrop: Hard Bay

Hard Bay’s fate has ever been tied to the sea. Although blessed with a natural, protected harbour and plentiful fishing, foul weather and a dangerous, unwholesome reputation have conspired to keep the village nothing more than a dreary, isolated place. A vein of smuggling and thievery ran deep through the village until the Sharkrazor pirates were crushed four decades ago. Now administered by three minor noble families, a darker horror than mere piracy lurks within the place. Rumours speak of strange fires set amid a circle of ancient, weathered stones atop a nearby shunned hill when the moon is new and of strange, abhorrent fishmen lurking in the abandoned, half-drowned smuggler tunnels beneath the ramshackle village.

GM’s Miscellany: Places of Power 

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible GM’s Resource by Creighton Broadhurst, Jeff Gomez, Eric Hindley, Anthony Jennings, Jacob W. Michaels, Jacob Trier, Amber Underwood and Mike WelhamPlaces of Power are short, richly detailed supplements that each present a flavoursome locale such as a remote temple, borderland fort or reclusive wizard’s demesne. Ready to be plugged into almost any home campaign, each installment can be used as a waystop on the road to adventure, the home of a powerful NPC or even as a mini-adventure site in its own right.GM’s Miscellany: Places of Power  comprises the first 12 Places of Power. These include:

  • Places of Power: Dragonmarch Keep
  • Places of Power: Godswatch
  • Places of Power: Penitent’s Rest
  • Places of Power: The Fragrant Tower
  • Places of Power: The Prismatic Tower
  • Places of Power: The Midnight Market
  • Places of Power: The Mistfall Refuge
  • Places of Power: The Monastery of the Marble Palm
  • Places of Power: The Mudded Manse
  • Places of Power: Tumblestone Inn
  • Places of Power: Valley of the Rocks
  • Places of Power: Visionary’s Perch

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. Everyone at the $2 and up levels gets all three versions of Village Backdrop: Hard Bay and both versions of Places of Power: Tumblestone Inn.Patreons at the $5 and up get GM’s Miscellany: Places of Power as a PDF and get a discounted print copy of the book!Thank you--again--for your support!


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