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I'm beyond chuffed and proud. You’ve done something amazing. Over the weekend, something momentous happened. I woke up on Sunday morning to discover we’ve hit our next milestone! Welcome to Craig Bailey, Douglas Sims, Zachary Taylor, Duncan Watson and Rob Smith who pushed us over the top. 

This is epic. We started our Patreon campaign with the express purpose of paying our freelancers a better—and eventually excellent—word rate. The economics of 3PP are notoriously difficult. When we started the campaign, we were paying the industry standard—1 cent a word—because we couldn’t afford to pay any more. 

Now, however, you’ve pushed us over our next milestone and I'm absolutely delighted to announce we’ll now be paying 11 cents a word! That means, in a little under two years, with your help we’ve eleven-tupled (that might not be a real world) our pay rate.

To celebrate (beyond saying “thank you” a lot) I’ve put together some special discount links for our print products. You’ll notice an oh-so-subtle Gloamhold and Ashlar theme to these products. Shortly, you’ll have a message from me containing the various links. Use them in the normal way, and you should be all set.

Again: thank you, everyone. Onwards, to the next milestone, which will give us longer Village Backdrops and longer Places of Power! 


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