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After the chaos of the last few weeks, it seems rather comforting to return to the bosom/bowels/embrace of the System Neutral Monstrous Lair line. And what could be more relaxing than a necromancer’s sanctum or a mad hermit’s hideaway? (Of course, the inspiration for the mad hermit’s hideaway comes from B2 Keep on the Borderlands and whose campaign won’t feature a foul necromancer at some point?)

I hope you can find a spot in your folder for both Monstrous Lairs. (I particularly enjoyed the Mad Hermit book).

Remember, you get both of these books free as a thank-you for your epic support (which I much appreciate).

Where’s My Stuff?

By the time you read this, everyone should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week’s books. Drop them into your browser, and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, send me a message, and I’ll sort it out for you.

Thank You

As always, thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press. Although the immediate chaos of the OGL saga has now calmed down somewhat, the events of the last few weeks have left somewhat of an impression on Raging Swan Press. While I’m not the kind of chap to chase the first idea that wanders into view, I am thinking deeply about our future release schedule and how we can best serve as many GMs as possible.

Finally, it should come as no surprise at all that Everything is Better with Tentacles—particularly mad hermits!



Once more right on time, Creighton. My player's party is going to face a Necromancer tomorrow night - if they dare to enter his lair that is! As my homebrew rules are more deadly than your average TRPG they have learned to be careful...