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This week, we've got a new village by Richard Green for you. Even cooler, we've got it in 5e, Pathfinder and SNE editions and all patrons at the $2 and up level get all three versions of the village as part of their pledge. 

Just as excitingly , I'm beyond delighted to report  I've completed my final edit of the Gloamhold Campaign Guide. I only await a couple of pieces of art and it's finished. I can't wait to get it into your hands!

Black Wyvern

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible GM’s Resource by Richard Green

The village of Black Wyvern has prospered from the surrounding woodland, producing high quality lumber for shipbuilding and the finest sea chests for a hundred miles. Founded by a retired pirate captain and his crew, who drove the Bone Snapper orcs from the site, the new villagers soon found something much worse lurking among the trees. Now, nearly 20 years later, the captain and most of his crew are long dead and the surviving inhabitants must pay a dark price for their wealth, forced into a twisted pact that allows them to harvest the forest’s bounty.

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Additionally, I've uploaded the tagged and untagged version of Black Wyvern's maps to this post for you to download and use.

Thank You!

Thank you very much for your support. It means the world to me and I can't wait to see what we can achieve together this year!


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