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This week, we hurl ourselves into subterranean adventures with a secletion of 10 legendary caves and 20 things to find in a subterranean river. Print them out and stick them in your GM's folder today!

I've also answered a question about our cover design over on my personal blog. If you've got any questions about how Raging Swan Press operates, I'be be happy to answer them. I've already got an article on the go in which I take you onto our "factory floor" to show how we create products by taking your through the contracting, design, development and publishing phases of a typical product. The article might be particularly interesting to anyone thinking about publishing their own material.

In other news, welcome to Max Bischoff who joins us this week. Thanks very much Max for signing up--I hope you enjoy our books!

Without further ado, here are this week's articles:

10 Legendary Caves

Caves occupy a strange place on the border between civilization and wilderness. Caves can offer shelter, safety and sometimes even resources, but at the same time, they are home to strange and wild creatures and raving hermits, and most of us never feel truly comfortable in their dark depths.

Read article .

20 Things to Find in a Subterranean River

Subterranean rivers often flow through natural caverns. Sometimes, they even intersect with dungeons. As a source of water—and therefore life—rivers and streams are often visiting by those dwelling nearby. Thus, there is almost always much to find near (or in) a subterranean river.

Read article.

What's Up With Our Covers?

I recently received a request to explain Raging Swan Press’s take on book covers. As a anyone with a passing knowledge of Raging Swan Press will know our covers are somewhat different to the norm. Why?

Find out why!

Thank you again for your support. 

See you Friday for Village Backdrop: Lanthorn  by yours turly. (And remember patrons of the $2 and up levels get the village in Pathfinder, 5e and System Neutral Edition versions as part of their pledge!)


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