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As 2022 lumbers toward a close, I’ve started thinking about 2023’s release schedule. I work several months ahead—I have to if I want to keep up with the release schedule—and shortly, I must start plotting January’s books.

I’m thinking about introducing some new lines (and resurrecting some old ones) next year, and I’m wondering what you think about the options below. These new options would run alongside our current lines, such as Wilderness Dressing, Dungeon Backdrops and the Patreon-exclusive Mini-Eventures.

I’d like to get your thoughts on the below lines, so please vote in the polls and let me know what you think. You can vote multiple times so you can tell me which lines you do—and do not—like.

Campaign Codex

The Campaign Codex line presents both mechanical and flavoursome details of various foes and NPCs, so you can spend less time stat blocking and more time plotting.

Instalments will be tightly themed. For example, we might feature orcs one month, hobgoblins the next and so on. To start, we’ll focus on the monsters and foes common to 5e, OSR and Pathfinder 1 games.

This line will support 5e, System Neutral and Pathfinder 1 games.


Enclaves are like Village Backdrops in that they present a fleshed-out and detailed locale your characters can visit during their adventures. However, instead of villages, the line will focus on keeps, travellers’ inns, shrines, wizard’s towers and the like. Enclaves are the kind of locale you can plonk down/carefully place in the characters’ path when they are wandering about the wilderness or borderlands.

This line will support 5e, System Neutral and Pathfinder 1 games.

Urban Locales

I know I’ve said it before (and been proved spectacularly wrong), but the Monstrous Lairs line will soon come to an end. Essentially, there are only so many monsters that appear in all the basic monster books of the roleplaying games we support.

I love the format of the Monstrous Lair line, though, and I’ve been wondering how to adapt it to other arenas.

In a similar vein to Monstrous Lairs, Urban Locales provide tables designed to help you add depth and flavour to pubs, taverns, shops, shrines, alleys and more—essentially any urban locale you can think of. I think Urban Locales could build into a spectacularly useful GM’s Resource.

This line will be System Neutral for maximum flexibility.

Got a Better Idea?

Have you got a better idea for a reoccurring line? Want me to resurrect an old line? Let me know in the comments below.

This poll closes next Thursday (November 3rd).


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