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This week, we've been busy putting the finishing touches to 20 Things #9: Bustling Market  and consequently our 20 Things this week are rather market-focused. Given adventurers--particularly in Pathfinder seem to be incessently shopping, I hope you find them useful!

20 Interesting Stalls to Find in a Market

Anything can be found in a market, if you know where to look. From meat pies to alchemical ingredients to black market organs, market stalls are as fascinating as they are varied. Often, the merchants are as bizarre as their wares.

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20 Rumours to Hear in the Market

Wherever people come together to buy and sell, they also exchange news, rumours and gossip. Thus, marketplaces are a great place for adventurers to learn more about the town, its surrounds and recent events.Thi

Read article .

I Need Your Rules Knowledge!

In my Shattered Star campaign, the party have reached 7-th level and have started using 4th-level spells as a result. Obviously, freedom of movement was one of the first spells they cast (they've had some bad grappling experiences) and I can't decide if the spell is insanely powerful or terribly worded. 

What do you think? 


Finally I wanted to welcome Nikki and Patrick Pilgrim to our merry band. As always, I'm delighted they decided to join us and I hope they (and everyone) enjoys our upcoming supplements

That's it for today. I'll see you on Friday for Places of Power: Tumblestone Inn


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