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Last  week, I was thinking about urban adventures. This is probably because my PCs are currently adventuring in a city (well at the moment they are under it) . (And if you fancy seeing what they are up to, I post session summaries to my blog). 

In any event, last week I was focusing on marketplaces and festivals. Both, I think, are under utilised in most gaming sessions. Hopefully, the articles will inspire you to feature them in your campaign!

20 Deals Too Good to be True

Adventurers must be wary at all times, and this is just as true in the marketplace as a dungeon. Merchants can be just as predatory as owlbears, and as unscrupulous as kobolds, and usually, a deal that’s too good to be true, is just a ploy to part you from your hard-earned gold.

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20 Common Stalls to Find in a Market

Markets sell an amazing variety of products and goods. No doubt the party will spend some time browsing the various stalls while in town—which can quickly turn the GM’s life into a nightmare…

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4 Reasons to Add a festival (or Two) To Your Campaign

After a hard day killing monsters and looting their stuff, many PCs like nothing more than to kick back and relax. Typically, this involves going to the tavern, but if you want to mix things up a bit, add a festival to your campaign!

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This week, we'll be releasing Village Backdrop: Suurin by Jeff Gomez (in Pathfinder, 5e and System Neutral Editions all of which you get as part of your much appreciated support). Jeff keeps promising to submit a "nice" village, but sadly Suurin is in no way at peace! I think it's an intriguing setting which you'll enjoy adding to your campaign. I hope you agree. 


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