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Just a short update this week as I'm a mini-break over the half-term holidays. (If you are on holiday as well, I hope you are having a spiffing time!)

Last week, we posted up a couple of rather marvellous articles for your gaming pleasure. I hope you enjoy them and that you can find a use for them in your upcoming games (and what game isn't made better with a sinister cult or two lurking in the shadows?)

10 Suspiciously Detailed Dungeon Portcullises

Portcullises often appear when a dungeon builder really, really wants to keep intruders out of a certain location. To the greedy adventurer seeking gold, a portcullis is often seen as a sign of great wealth nearby. After all, a treasure vault, crypt or even the personal chambers of some august individual could all lie beyond.

Read article.

20 Things to Find in a Cultist's Lair

Cultists’ lairs and homes contain strange items and objects related to their aberrant faiths, giving possible clues to their motivation or plans.

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Thank You!

Thank you for your support. You make what we do at Raging Swan Press much easier and stress free. I think it also results in better products and I hope you agree. 

Next week, we are trying something different--we aren't releasing a product! That's a first for the year, but I'm coming to the conclusion that sometimes you can release too much! Have no fear, though. I'll be slaving away on your behalf putting the finishing touches to the last few products of the year and I'll be back next Tuesday for more 20 Things goodness!


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