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I tell you what;  the title for this blog post could make a great summary for an adventure! (Although, I'm not sure in what order I'd place the three). 

In any event, this week, we've got three 20 Things articles for you. We've been busy. 

You'll noticed, I'm trying to be a little bit more focused in the 20 Things articles Raging Swan is releasing at the moment. The scheme for the next month or two is to "fill in the gaps" for upcoming 20 Things releases (the ones you all get for free with our GM's Monthly Miscellany releases which everyone else pays for). The summer is always a busy time at Raging Swan Press HQ as we get overrun by a small pack of deranged halflings. I'm planning to get everything pretty much done for summer before the horde arrives in but two weeks. Being organised is my watchword. 

That said, I'm still open to suggestions for upcoming articles. If you've got anything you particularly want handled, drop a note in the comment below and I'll see about adding it to the list. 

Welcome & Thank You

Welcome to Ronald who joined up this week. And, of course, thank you to all of you who continue to support Raging Swan Press. As always, I'm delighted you find our products so useful and that you are helping us pay decent wages for our freelancers' sweat and toil. 

See you all on Friday for Village Backdrop: Umelas!


Free Resources

As well as many free products, Raging Swan Press releases weekly free articles on a wide range of subjects. A comprehensive list of such free articles and products appear below. Web Articles Print these articles out and stick them in your GM's folder; you never know when they might come in handy!


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