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Next week, Raging Swan Press releases two new products and our patrons get them both completely free! For Pathfinder, we have GM's Monthly Miscellany: June 2016 while 20 Things #2: Looting the Body is a System Neutral Edition compatible with virtually any fantasy RPG. 

I hope you enjoy both books and that you find a use for them in your campaign. You can learn more about both books by hitting the links above. (Also, I'd be interested to know if you find the concept of the new 20 Things lines useful; is having a small group of related and/or themed tables in one place useful for you as a GM or do you prefer larger collections?)

Where Are My Files?

Because GM's Monthly Miscellany: June 2016 is a free product, I cannot send out a special download link for the book. Instead, I've attached the relevant files to this message. You can download them as you would any other file. 

By now, you should have a message from me in your inbox. Within, you'll find the codes for 20 Things #2: Looting the Body; just drop the link into your browser of choice and a copy will appear in your OBS basket. Check out in the normal way and you should be all set. 

Thank You!

Thank you for your ongoing support. You enable our heroic quest for decent and fair word rates for our freelancer. Without you, we wouldn't  be able to offer anywhere near as much for their hard work. 

Have a super weekend. 


Raging Swan Press

This week, Raging Swan Press releases the first in a new line of System Neutral products. Curated from the free weekly 20 Things articles, 20 Things #1: Seedy Tavern brings together ten tables specifically designed for use in bringing to life the seedy taverns in your campaign.


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