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One of the challenges of creating the System Neutral Edition versions of the Village Backdrop line is that once you remove the stat blocks, you've got to replace them with something! I do so hate pointless white space.

This week, we released two new 20 Things articles, and one of them also appears in the System Neutral Edition of Village Backdrop: Ashford (available 16 May) which I recently completed. 

I hope you find them enjoyable and that you find a use for them in your campaign.(And, BTW, if you need a plague-wracked village for your campaign Village Backdrop: Ashford is the place for you, although in my own campaign the PCs--bafflingly--declined to visit the place).

Thank You

Welcome to Jason Hatter, Jason O’Conal and Christine who all joined us over the weekend. (And, obviously, thank you to everyone for their continued support as we rocket towards our next milestone!)

Slightly Bad News

My continuing quest for eternal health, vitality and fitness has taken a rather irritating turn. I slipped a disk in my back over the weekend (which is something I recommend you never do). It's going to affect my output over the next week or so (given I can't actually get to my desk) but hopefully normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. If not sooner. It's running weather!

In any event, see you all on Friday for Richard Green's Village Backdrop: Revenge.


Free Resources

As well as many free products, Raging Swan Press releases weekly free articles on a wide range of subjects. A comprehensive list of such free articles and products appear below. Web Articles Print these articles out and stick them in your GM's folder; you never know when they might come in handy!


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