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Every GM could do with more minions of evil for their campaign. What will the characters slay otherwise? What luck, then, that this month’s 20 Things releases presents just that—minor minions of evil you can use to round out the big baddie’s henchmen and hirelings. Don’t have faceless minions of evil in your campaign—have Raging Swan Press’s minions of evil!

Where's My Stuff?

This week’s release is free to you, heroic patron. Thank you for supporting us on Patreon.

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week's book. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you.

The Gameatory

This week on the Gameatory, I start to delve into my design decisions underpinning Ashlar and Gloamhold. Last week, I revealed a sinister couplet that speaks to the deep threat lurking in Ashlar’s shadow. This week, I talk about why I called the setting “Ashlar”. Next week, I’ll be revealing the thought process and plotting behind the name Gloamhold. (And, if you want a first look at the Wailing Citadel--a fortification overlooking the Murkwater's outer reaches check out our most recent session summary.)

Ashlar: What's in a Name? 

What's the Sentence For? 

021: Chamber of Starry Death 

If you know someone who may enjoy the posts, please help me spread the word! Sign up for a Gameatory membership to get my posts directly in your inbox.

Thank You

As I’ve said before, thank you. Thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press—particularly in the last year—and helping us weather the Covid storm. We are still standing because of you. In return, I hope we’ve made your pandemic gaming easier.

Have a fantastic weekend, enjoy the minions of evil and remember: Everything is Better with Tentacles!


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