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This week, Raging Swan Press releases two new books--and as my patrons you get both completely free with my compliments! (You are looking lovely, by the way...) So, without further ado, I give you this week's new books:

GM's Miscellany: March 2016

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible GM’s Resource by Creighton Broadhurst, Greg Marks, Christopher Wasko and Mike Welham

Featuring material from some of Raging Swan Press’s newest products as well as classic releases of yesteryear, advice articles and material from Creighton’s on-going design of the megadungeon Gloamhold, the GM’s Monthly Miscellany series is a terrific free resource for the busy, time-crunched GM.

This month’s issue features:

  • House Rule: Identifying Monsters
  • Feyhall At A Glance (from Village Backdrop: Feyhall)
  • Prison Break: Prison Dressing (from Campaign Events: Prison Break)
  • Looting the Druid: Pouch Contents (from I Loot the Druid’s Body)
  • Why Character Optimisation is Pointless (Unless You Enjoy It)

This product is a Dual Format PDF. The downloadable ZIP file contains two versions, one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad.

Campaign Events: Urban Riot

A System Neutral Edition GM's Resource by Nicholas Wasko

Riots provide almost limitless opportunities for adventure. However, few adventures feature riots because they are problematic to flesh out. Designing all the rioters and the many minor events the PCs witness would take more time to prepare than even the most diligent GM has at his disposal. That’s where Campaign Events: Urban Riot comes in. Presenting copious notes on the rioters themselves as well as minor events and dressing along with hooks, opportunities and complications it takes the hassle out of running an urban riot and lets the GM concentrate on the important details of the campaign!

Campaign Events provides you the busy GM with the tools to run exciting, flavoursome adventures or encounters set against the backdrop of a significant event. Perhaps the adventures find themselves in the midst of a riot or prison break. They might even be invited to a masquerade ball or be caught in the grip of a savage storm.

Campaign Events presents the details of such events so the busy GM can focus on building exciting, memorable adventures.

This product is a Dual Format PDF. The downloadable ZIP file contains two versions, one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad.

Thank You And Welcome!

Thank you to you all for supporting Raging Swan Press on our heroic endeavour. I absolutely couldn't afford the word rate we are able to offer without you. I know our designers appreciate it immensely. In related (and exciting) news, I'm currently hunting a Big Name designer to contribute to our Village Backdrop line. Once I have a signed contract, I'll spill the beans!

And finally, welcome to Sasha Hall and Scotty McFarland who have joined us over the last few days. I hope you enjoy our books and that they make running your campaign easier.


Raging Swan Press

This week, Raging Swan Press has released GM's Miscellany: Urban Dressing System Neutral Edition . If you like your dressing without Pathfinder mechanics sprinkled throughout, this is the book for you! The week, Raging Swan Press releases a new adventure by Creighton Broadhurst.


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