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This week, I have November’s free, Patreon-exclusive mini-eventure for you!

I don’t know about you, but in my campaign the (pesky) characters are always trying to learn more. They want to know more about:

  • The history of the world (and in particular Gloamhold)
  • The doings of a certain diabolical cults into whose affairs they have intruded
  • How to defeat their enemies

What’s a poor GM to do with all these unreasonable requests for knowledge?

Send them to the Dreaming Spires!

About Visiting the Dreaming Spires

Languard’s Dreaming Spires—or sometimes simply “the Spires”—is the duchy’s greatest seat of learning and its only university. Sprawling over Alina’s Isle, the Dreaming Spires stands in splendid isolation from the city’s stink and clamour. As well as the children of the high born and wealthy sent here to learn their letters, the Spires also hosts a steady trickle of adventurers come to seek hidden, lost or obscure knowledge. Many leave disappointed, while others find the answers to their questions hidden in the library’s innumerable dusty tomes.

Where’s My Stuff

Visiting the Dreaming Spires is a free Patreon-exclusive product. You’ll find the relevant PDFs attached to this post. Download as many as you’d like, and add the Dreaming Spires to your campaign today.

Thank You

As always, thank you so much for your support. It’s epic, and Raging Swan Press wouldn’t be what it is without you. I hope you get great use out of the books and supplements you get through the campaign and that they help make your game better.

If you have any suggestions about how we can make Raging Swan Press’s books and supplements better please let me know in the comments below.


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