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I've been GMing for over 30 years and I like to think--to a certain extent--I know what I'm doing. However, only a very foolish--or perhaps supremely arrogant--GM believes he knows everything. I've played with such a GM and it wasn't a pleasant experience. 

One of my goals as a GM is to make sure everyone is having fun and that my game is as awesome as it can be. In my eternal quest to do just that, I spend a lot of time thinking about, writing about and researching the art of GMing. 

One of my go-to sources of inspiration and helpful tips and time-saving aids is Johnn Four over at roleplayingtips.com. What's cool about Johnn is the vast majority of the resources on his site are completely free. That's right, they are completely free! What's also very cool about Johnn's approach is that he crowd sources most of his tips so you don't just get his thoughts and ideas but those of literally thousands of other gamers!

In the spirit of free stuff, Johnn has very graciously sent me a copy of Roleplaying Tips Omnibus #1 to share with all of you! It's attached to this post, so you can simply download it in the normal way. Take a look and see what you think--hopefully you'll find something within to make your game better and more awesomer. 

And finally, Johnn is also active on Patreon. So if you liked Roleplaying Tips Omnibus #1 and want more epic GM tips I'd recommend you check out his page and see what he's up to. I back Johnn's campaign and I'd recommend you do as well! 



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