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We were at it last week, posting up four new articles for your gaming pleasure and entertainment. I hope you enjoy them and that you find them useful for your campaign:

This week, we've got the first of some guests posts for you! This is a new departure for Raging Swan so I hope you enjoy them. On Wednesday Seamus Conneely presents 20 Things to Loot from a Dead Adventurer while on Friday Jeff Gomez gives us 20 Things to Eat at a Feast. I hope you check them out (and fear not, I'll post up links to the articles next week as per normal).

Also, if you missed it, I blogged about my new house rule for identifying monsters. The rule is not really mine--a friend pointed me at a very interesting discussion on the Paizo forums, but I liked the rule to much I immediately adopted it for my Shattered Star campaign. So far, the players seem to be enjoying it!


Welcome to Loren Eason who joins us this week. Thank you, Loren. I'm delighted you've chosen to join us and I hope you find our books jolly useful and entertaining. 

And Finally

And finally, I thought I'd leave you with a quote from last week's game--something I never thought I'd have to say!

"You’ll be okay as long as the ghoul doesn’t climb up the invisible, paralysed paladin…"

See you on Friday!


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