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This week, we debut the first in a new line of books: Campaign Backdrop: Wolfsbane Hollow. The book presents the richly detailed village of Hjalward and town of Wolfsbane Hollow. We've also added in weather generation tables, details of the surrounds, new regional deities, adventure books and more. 

About Wolfsbane Hollow

Shielded to the north by the Vurdfell Spine’s lofty peaks and protected from the Hordelands of the east by the Greatshadow Gorge, the town of Wolfsbane Hollow has persisted in relative isolation for hundreds of years. Seemingly a simple border town, a dark shadow hangs over this hard, rough settlement. For here, the rule of law is tenuous at best, and the mayor is but a figurehead. The true power of Wolfsbane Hollow is the shadowy thieves’ guild and their monstrous, bestial guildmaster who lurks in his lair carved from the fallen, mouldering bones of an ancient empire.

About Campaign Backdrops

Campaign Backdrops give you, the busy GM, a carefully crafted mini-campaign settings ready to insert into your home campaign. This GM-friendly book presents beautiful hand-drawn maps, detailed settlements of note, a flavoursome regional gazetteer, random weather tables, exciting adventure hooks and more.

I would love to know what you think of the concept of this line. In a nutshell, the idea is to present a small mini-campaign setting a GM could drop into their world. Such areas could serve as a small barony, wilderland village on the edge of a kingdom and more. All you need to do is add an adventure (or two). 

Where's My Stuff?

Campaign Backdrop: Wolfsbane Hollow retails for $6.45.  By the time you get this, patrons at the $5 and up levels should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week's book. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

If you are on the $1 or $2 level and fancy Campaign Backdrop: Wolfsbane Hollow simply upgrade your level and let me know. I'll send you the files as a thank you. 

Finally, you'll also find the beautiful maps by Tommi Salama for this book attached to this post. Download and enjoy!  

Thank You!

Of course, I feel compelled to say thank you. Your support means the world to me. We are a small business and your support is literally helping us keep the lights (and more importantly the heating) on. 

I hope you get great use from the books you get in this campaign. More importantly, I hope they help you have epic games with your friends. 


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