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I've been all over the map this week a bit. Rather excitingly this we week had a minor electrical fire at Global HQ! Luckily, no one was hurt and the damage was rather minor. Still, it set me back a bit. It got me thinking about what minor disasters or inconveniences could befall the PCs during their adventures...I sense another article coming on.

In any event, as always, I posted up some more "20 Things" articles for your gaming pleasure! This week,

I hope you enjoy these articles and that they add excitement and fun to your campaign. As always, if you have any suggestions for upcoming instalments in the series let me know in the comments below.

Welcome & Thank You

Welcome to Tom Ganz, Oliver Volland and Mike Brewer who've joined us this week! I hope you enjoy being part of our merry band. 

And as always thank you to every one of you--your support is epic and it's making Raging Swan Press so much more fun. I enjoy running Raging Swan Press immensely and I'm tremendously chuffed with what we've achieved together.

Have a great week, and good gaming!


Free Resources

As well as many free products, Raging Swan Press releases weekly free articles on a wide range of subjects. A comprehensive list of such free articles and products appear below. Web Articles Print these articles out and stick them in your GM's folder; you never know when they might come in handy!


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