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Finally, here we are! After months of plotting, planning and even a little bit of scheming I'm releasing the first "proper" System Neutral Edition for a Raging Swan Press product. Hooray!

Without further a do, I hope you enjoy your double helping of Raging Swan goodness:

Urban Dressing: Bridge Town

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible GM’s Resource by Josh Vogt

Tired of your towns and cities being boring, bland places in which your PCs show little or no interest? Want to bring them alive with cool, interesting minor features of note? Then Urban Dressing is for you! Each instalment in the line focuses on a different kind of town and gives harried GMs the tools to bring such locales to life with interesting and noteworthy features.

This instalment of Urban Dressing presents loads of great details to customise the war-torn towns in your campaign. Designed to be used both during preparation or actual play, Urban Dressing: Bridge Town is an invaluable addition to any GM’s armoury!

Urban Dressing: Bridge Town presents the following information:

  • One table (100 entries) presenting the sights and sounds of the town.
  • One table (100 entries) presenting sample business found in the town.
  • One table (100 entries) presenting atypical bridges of interest.
  • One table (20 entries) presenting hooks, complications and opportunities.

I Loot the Body (SNE)

A System Neutral Edition GM’s Resource by Josh Vogt

Adventurers are always looting the bodies of their vanquished foes. Often the GM simply reads off the villain’s equipment list and the players move on. In this situation, beyond armour, weapons, magic items and some coin most foes never seem to carry anything of minor interest. This doesn’t help the GM diligently trying to breathe life and verisimilitude into his campaign.

Enter I Loot the Body. Within, find three tables packed full of trinkets, minor pieces of jewellery and other adornments along with the random things found in a villain’s pouch. Use them to enliven the looting in your campaign today!

Thank You

Thank you very much for your support; you've helped us transition to being more than just a publisher of Pathfinder compatible material. I hope you enjoy both books this week.

As always, if you have any questions or comments please leave them below!


Raging Swan Press

Village Backdrop: Vaagwol by Greg Marks is now available everywhere you'd normally pick up Raging Swan Press's PDFs! If you need a village pregnant with looming meanie both within and without, then Village Backdrop: Vaagwol is for you! You can grab a free sample here.


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