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Earlier this year, I shared with you some sample layouts and the like for the Campaign Codex line. I got loads of epic feedback, and now I am more than delighted to release the first instalment in the line: Campaign Codex #1: Classic Foes

This instalment presents barbarians, brigands goblin warriors, hobgoblin warriors, kobold warriors and orc warriors. Next month's instalments is all about lesser undead. Let me know what you think of the new line, in the comments below!

About the Campaign Codex Line

Presenting stat blocks, variant stat blocks and a slew of other easy-to-use material to personalise and bring to life your NPCs the Campaign Codex line does the hard work so you can focus on crafting a memorable and enjoyable game for you and your friends.

At the moment, the Campaign Codex only presents stat blocks for 5e and Pathfinder 1, but we may add additional editions in the future. Let us know what systems you would like to see supported, in the comments.

More Mini-Eventures?

Earlier this week, I asked if you wanted more mini-eventures next year. Loads of you have voted, but if you haven't yet--and fancy letting me know your thoughts--please vote

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

As always, thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press through our Patreon campaign. The campaign is the thudding heart of Raging Swan Press and you are directly helping us pay our freelancers excellent rates for excellent work. So often, the value of good design is underrated, and I'm extremely proud of how you help us buck the industry trend. Thank you.

I'd also like to welcome Zachary Murray, Jason Reid, Donna K. Fitch, Justin Phillips, Brian Woodard and Chris H who have all joined us recently! Thank you for signing up and joining our adventuring party.

Have a great weekend, and good luck with your games!


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