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Y'taris is a unique place, spawned from the sunless depths of Jeff Gomoz's fell imagination. Jeff gets—I think—the idea of lurking cosmic horror and the Raging Swan Press old-school vibe. I think Y'taris combines the two in marvellous fashion, and I'm delighted Jeff updated the village which allowed us to bring it to OSR and Pathfinder 2 games. I think you'll have great fun with Y'taris!

About Y'taris

A stone circle marks the confluence of ley lines in this bleak and broken place. Among the ancient runes and onyx pillars burn secret powers hidden by gods and men alike. But to the people of Y’taris, the stone circle is just a tourist destination for the rich. Every year, hundreds of spellcasters make the long pilgrimage to the stone circle high in the Broken Mountains. The villagers provide food, shelter, baubles and entertainment, all for exorbitant prices. Merchants bleed visitors of their gold, while pickpockets and scam artists take the rest. Y’taris is a nest of thieves. Anyone is welcome, until they run out of coin.

A GM’s Resource by Jeff Gomez

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Too Many Village Backdrops?

Earlier this week, I posted a poll with the simple questions: Has Raging Swan Press published enough Village Backdrops? At time of writing 137 of you have voted. If you'd like to have your say, please vote! 

Thank You

I say it every week, but thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press. Our Patreon campaign is Raging Swan Press's throbbing heart, and it—you—enable us to do what we love doing; producing detail and flavour heavy supplements for our campaigns. I'm delighted you are part of the Patreon campaign and I'm chuffed you like our resources so much you signed up. I hope you get tons of use out of this week's village. I am sure your players will remember their trip to Y'taris—assuming they survive!


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