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In my Against the Darkness campaign one of the characters got in a spot of bother after accidentally beheading a townsfolk who he decided was a witch. Given the crime took place in a busy marketplace there was no shortage of witnesses and he was swiftly condemned to death. (It's a long story involving sinister doings, a potential witch's coven and more). Of course, he escaped and 20 Things #52: Urban Chase was born. I designed the tables therein to make his escape through town more interesting and flavoursome (and to throw him some curveballs and roleplaying encounters--I wanted to make the chase so much more than just a series of movements through Dunstone's night-cloaked streets). 

You can also use the tables to make your characters' flight from the law more interesting! You can also use them when a character chases a pickpocket, hunts down a fleeing assassin and more. How ever you use them, I hope you and your players have an excellent time!

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this book. Just drop it into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 


I tend to work about three months ahead in regards the release schedule and--thus--soon my fell gaze will fall on 2021 and Raging Swan Press's plans for the year. No doubt, I'll be running some more polls here on Patreon so if you want to influence our future plans and releases keep your eyes open for those posts!

Thank You

As always, thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press. I'm delighted you enjoy our books so much that you are part of our Patreon. Know that you are directly contributing to keeping us publishing the kind of detail-heavy, verisimilitude-laden books we all find so useful. Thank you.  If you know another GM who would find out resources useful, please mention our Patreon to them.

If you have any comments or suggestions about the Patreon campaign please leave a comment below. 


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