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Festive salutations to you all!

As you'll not doubt remember, we released our last new product of 2016--Alternate Dungeons: Frigid Ice Cave--last week.

However, all is not lost! I thought you might enjoy a complimentary copy of an older product you might not own. Behold, I present, Duergar of the Obsidian Citadel by John Bennett. These nefarious creatures are easy to insert into almost any campaign and are sure to be lots of fun (for the GM!) I hope you enjoy them.

In Other News...Something for the Weekend

In other news, I'm slightly changing the delivery dates of upcoming products. As it stand, you get your books early--before anyone else--on the Monday of the week in which they release. 

Next year, I thought it might be better, if you receive them on the Friday of the previous week instead--giving you something new and fun to read over the weekend. After all, if you have work or school during the week you won't have much time to read the new Raging Swan goodness appearing in your inbox!

And That's It

Have a super Christmas everyone. I hope that however you spend it, you have fun. 



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