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This week, we’ve got June’s free monthly mini-eventure—A Day Out at Low Market— for you. Shopping! Pick pockets! Rumours!

Low Market

Low Market is a hodgepodge of stalls, handcart vendors and wandering pedlars. Here, Languard’s unwashed masses come to browse, shop and gossip. Low Market is a place rife with adventuring opportunities. 

Much of Low Market’s offering is mundane, and of no interest to adventurers. However, persistent rumours speak of magic items sold at a pittance in the market—sold by clueless stallholders unaware of the items’ true value. Thus many adventurers—and the pickpockets and cutpurses attracted to such folk—flock to the market in search of treasures hidden among the market’s bric-a-brac.

I hope you’ll be able to use the mini-eventure in your campaign to add depth and flavour to the characters’ s next visit to a local market. Unlike a normal release, you’ll find the files for A Day Out at Low Market attached to this post. That’s because these mini-eventures are an exclusive free feature for you. While we might at some point gather them together into a print book you are the only ones who’ll ever get the individual releases.

GM’s Miscellany: 20 Things V Update

Great news! I’ve fixed the last error (I know about) in the book and I’ve put an order in for the free print editions for everyone supporting us at the $10 and $25 levels. As soon as the books appear at Global HQ, I’ll get cracking and have them out to you as soon as possible. Again, my apologies for the delay, but the pandemic has slowed down print times. 

I’m also about to send out the discounted print codes for $5, $10 and $25 patrons. By the time you read this, you should have them. 

Thank You!

As I say every week, thank you so much for supporting Raging Swan Press (particularly at this time). You are helping us push onwards and I couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you. 

I'd also like to welcome everyone who has joined us this month--Ron Placentia, David Resener, LaneH, Matthew Nelson, Edward Romero, Richard Vidale, Lex of Excel, Dave Campbell and Kubetz; thank you for signing up!

Of course, we aren’t done yet—and never will be—there always seems to be more to write. I’ve got my (extensive and sinister) plans for the coming months, but if you can think of a way Raging Swan Press could make your campaign better please leave a note below. 

As always, thanks again and good luck with your campaign.


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