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I love adventures and supplements with interesting moral quandaries "baked in". When Jeff Gomez originally pitched Bleakflat I was intrigued by the village's setup (see below for more details!)  I would love to drop my current group into Bleakflat and see how they deal with the village's situation. I'm sure the resultant discussions when they realise what is going on would spawn some epic role-playing. 

Bleakflat 2.0 builds on the original village and is much better for it. I'm delighted Jeff has revisited the village, and I hope you are as well! 

Back to Bleakflat

Lost to the north of nowhere, far beyond the reach of prying eyes, a rocky bluff rises from barren soil. Here, deep amidst the frozen tundra, a ruined castle has been refitted into a tiny village. Ten hovels, whose rude architecture suggests structures five centuries old, surround a refurbished tower, and in this tower lives Bleakflat’s lord. Wise and capable, he tends to his villagers as a shepherd to his flock.

The very presence of such a remote village is enough to arouse suspicion. There are no ore mines here, no nearby dungeons, no ley lines or trade routes. The people seem simple enough, but they are somehow able to fend off the wolf packs roaming the land, and are unperturbed by the massive bats which attack the rare unannounced visitor. How? The people of Bleakflat are under the protection of a vampire, the lord of the village and the only citizen with rosy cheeks and warm smile. The villagers trade their blood for his protection and care, and in turn he tends his flock well.

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you.

I've also uploaded Bleakflat's maps to this message.  

Did You Go Shopping at Kardagg's?

Last week, I released the Patreon-exclusive first mini-eventure which is a replacement for the Monstrous Lair line. Did you enjoy it? Have you had a chance to use it? Let me know, in the comments below!

Thank You and Welcome!

Thank you for your support. As always, you help to make Raging Swan Press stronger and to publish the kind of detail- and verisimilitude-rich supplements we all use to make our campaigns better and more immersive. 

I'd also like to welcome our new members--Brian Dawson, David Blonquist, Aaron and Arayana McKensey--who have joined us this week. Thank you all for signing up, and if you have any questions about the campaign don't hesitate to send me a PM here or on Discord.

I hope you can find a place for Bleakflat in your campaign. Good luck with your games!


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