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As you probably know, Halloween is on the way. If you've been following Raging Swan Press's newsletter* you would have seen 1,000 Abnormal Zombies and 1,000 Abnormal Skeletons.

(*If you aren't signed up just drop me a line and I can manually add you so you don't miss out on our bi-weekly GM's Resources).

Given it is Halloween I thought it would be appropriate to have a Dungeon Backdrop set in a haunted house. Luckily, Bart Wynants stepped into the breach and delivered. Behold:

The lonely house on the hill is no place to spend the night. Many a weary traveller on the road to Dunstone has sought shelter there from the dangers of the night, only to find even darker terrors lurking inside the house’s crumbling walls. Those who find death beyond the shadowed threshold are considered fortunate, for the few who escape the house’s harrowing halls are cursed to endure a life of madness; their bodies and souls scarred beyond mortal comprehension. Few know the truth. The dreaded manor once belonged to Yspher, a reclusive wizard with an evil reputation who mysteriously vanished many years ago. Whispers of sinister experiments involving black magic and forbidden lore surrounded  Yspher’s disappearance, which would prove only the first of many tragedies ...

Unearth the disturbing past of Yspher’s dismal demesne and unveil the mystery surrounding Ashlar’s most haunted manor. The House of Yspher awaits!

I hope you enjoy The House of Yspher and that you can find a spot for it in your campaign. (And let me know what you think about the extra handouts you'll find in your download; Bart slaved over them and I'm keen to know if you find such resources useful).

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this everyone at age $2 and up support levels should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

As well as Dungeon Backdrop: The House of Yspher, we've also got Monstrous Lair #42: Derro's Outpost for you. I think derro are rather underused, so if you agree add some to your campaign today!


Welcome to all our new members--Christopher Kearney, Martin Bailey, Alexandre Ferraz, Francesco Ariazzi, Gavin McClements, Christopher Mangum, Dr. Mary C. Crowell, Mark S. Masters, Josie Albert and Eric Scheid--who have joined us this week! Thank you for coming onboard. If you have any questions, just drop me a line and I'd be happy to answer them.

Thank You!

Of course, I want to say "thank you". Your support is awesome and you help us do amazing things here at Global HQ. I hope you get a tremendous amount of use out of the books you get through the campaign and that they help you run a more awesome game with less effort. If there is some specific way Raging Swan Press can help you, feel free to drop me a line here on on Discord.

Good luck with your games, and have a great weekend!


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