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Raging Swan Press and Bart Wynants have got a cracker for you this week. If you are a fan of shipwrecks, sinking islands and/or cosmic doom I think you’ll enjoy September’s Dungeon Backdrop. 

Behold: the Death King’s Forlorn Isle!

A keening gale tears across the Bitter Sea, parting the clouds above to unveil a turgid crimson moon. Ominous rumbling resounds from the churning waters below. The surface of the sea boils and bubbles like a witch’s cauldron—its waves foaming and swelling like a suppurating sore until a mass of jagged black rock erupts from the lightless depths. The Forlorn Isle has risen. Legend claims the small island holds the tomb of an ancient king whose crimes were so heinous his name was stricken from history. After his death, the weight of his evil deeds caused the isle to sink into the Bitter Sea.

But once every year, when the Blood Moon casts its baleful gaze upon the world, the cold brine rejects its cursed burden and the Forlorn Isle rises again, eagerly awaiting fresh victims. Despite the impressive tally of adventurers lost to the basalt bowels of the so-called Death King’s ruined keep, many brave souls have sailed there over the years, drawn like moths to a flame by legends of lost ancient treasure. When dawn breaks, the bleak island sinks into the deep once more, entombing alive those who would steal its sinister secrets.

This Dungeon Backdrop is designed to work with the Duchy of Ashlar and Gloamhold campaign setting but can be easily inserted into almost any fantasy campaign.

A GM’s Resource by Bart Wynants

Member of the Party

Over the weekend, I’ll be launching a new pledge level.  

Up to now we’ve had Minions, Hirelings, Cohorts and Henchfolk. Shortly, we'll have Members of the Party! Being a Member of the Party is a significant commitment, but you’ll get an exclusive (soon to be revealed) monthly reward along with all the benefits you currently enjoy.

I’ll be adding Member of the Party over the weekend, and announcing the new pledge level here and on Discord. There are only five spots available for Member of the Party, so if you are intrigued keep an eye out!

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

Finally, thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press on Patreon. Our Patreon campaign is Raging Swan Press backbone and your support directly enables us to pay our freelancers decent rates. Thank you. If you've got any suggestions about how Raging Swan Press or our Patreon campaign can be better please leave a note down below or send me a private message here, on Discord or via email.

As always, have a great weekend and good luck with your games! 


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