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Feigrvidr first saw the light of day several years ago when I lured Stephen Radney-MacFarland into Raging Swan Press's sinister clutches. Sadly, the first edition of the village was only written for Pathfinder 1st edition. With the release of 2nd edition, however, it seemed the perfect time to expand the place and to create editions for all our other supported systems. I hope you like the result! 


A Village Backdrop in 5e, Pathfinder 1st, Pathfinder 2nd and System Neutral editions by Stephen Radney-MacFarland

Most dwarven holds are vast and ordered halls filled with solemn and stoic craftsfolk. But that’s not Feigrvidr. Some say it’s not a dwarf hold at all, but rather a lawless mining camp ruled by dwarf thugs and ruthless agents of the ruling thane. 

Founded less than three years ago by Svingal Halfbeard, the ore coming from a vale carved out of the headlands of the Titan Peaks is of the greatest purity and the works coming forth from Feigrvidr’s forges are both subtle and ingenious, rivalling those of any traditional dwarven stronghold. The great wealth coming from the foot of the Titan Peaks was only the beginning, now with the discovery of ancient and abandoned giant halls deeper among the mountains’ spires adventurers are flocking to the camp, increasing its wealth and its danger.

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

I have also uploaded Feirvidr’s map here for your convieniance. 


As you might have noticed, Raging Swan Press is now on Discord. I’ve linked the server to our Patreon campaign so if you already have a Discord account linked to your Patreon account you should have be automatically added. My apologies if this took you by surprise!

For new Discord users, I believe  if you sign up to Discord now, and link it to your Patreon account you will also be automatically added. Any problems, just send me a message and I’ll sort it out for you. 

Come on over and join the chat!

Welcome, New Members

I'd  like to welcome our new members--Ian Magee, John J. Diffley and Chance Meeks--who have all joined us this week. Welcome all! If you have any questions about how the campaign works, just drop me a line--or message me on Discord--and I'd be delighted to answer them.

Thank You!

As always, thank you so much for your support. I get a hell of a kick out of publishing the books our heroic band of freelancers craft, and I hope you get even more enjoyment out of  using them in your campaign.

As always, good luck with your games.


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